Tag: Rumours - Page 17

  • Rumour Splinter Cell: Blacklist Coming to Wii U

    Play Sam again

    Ubisoft's got a lot of Wii U games to show off next Monday, and one of them might feature everyone's favourite gruff-voiced special agent spy that's not Solid Snake. According to reports, Splinter Cell: Blacklist is heading to Wii U, PS3 and Xbox 360 in early 2013. Ubisoft has refused to comment, saying only it "doesn't comment on...

  • Rumour Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 Heading to Wii U

    A vampire double-whammy

    Yesterday we heard there's a Castlevania game coming to 3DS, but that's not all: apparently Wii U owners will get a piece of the action too, as Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 is in the works for Wii U. That's according to the Paul Gale Network, who claims the Wii U title will interact with th

  • Rumour Castlevania Title in Development for 3DS

    Could be called Mirror of Faith/Fate

    The Castlevania franchise has been prolific on Nintendo's handhelds, with six titles evenly split between Game Boy Advance and DS. It wouldn't be too much of a surprise if Konami was planning a new entry for the series on 3DS, and in typical pre-E3 fashion a rumour has emerged online. The story has appeared on...

  • News Redesigned Wii U Tablet Controller Is Revealed

    QA tester at TT Games to blame?

    It's just a couple of weeks before E3, which means that we should be prepared for impatient industry insiders to leak some of Nintendo's big reveals ahead of time. It seems that a QA tester at TT Games — the developer behind all of those LEGO games — has posted an image of a redesigned Wii U tablet controller...

  • Rumour Blockbuster UK Lists 25 Wii U Games

    Some surprising names

    We're a month away from E3 but Blockbuster reckons it's got the Wii U software line-up all figured out, listing 25 titles for pre-order. The list, according to photos sent to GoNintendo, is: Aliens: Colonial Marines Assassin's Creed III Batman: Arkham City Darksiders II DiRT 3 Formula 1 All Stars Game Party Ghost Recon...

  • Rumour Retro Studios Preparing Star Fox Wii U Reveal

    It's an E3 rumour, prepare the salt

    With E3 now only one month away we should prepare ourselves for plenty of rumours, some genuine and well-sourced and others that are more questionable. Today we give you — Retro Studios preparing a Wii U reveal of Star Fox at next month's video game industry spectacular. We'd class this rumour as one that's...

  • Rumour This is Wii U's Controller Charging Dock

    Looks the part

    Wii U's controller will come with a built-in rechargeable battery, so naturally Nintendo will provide a means of charging it with the console. It may not be as boring as a cable though: it could be an immensely exciting cradle. NeoGAF user Aostia claims to have unearthed a patent showing off a charging dock for the controller, which...

  • Rumour Midnight Purple 3DS Spotted on Retail Site

    Prince nowhere to be seen

    Update: Midnight Purple 3DS hits North America on 20th May. Retailer Sam's Club has listed a Midnight Purple 3DS — a colour Nintendo hasn't announced. Joystiq spotted the listing this past weekend. Purple was among the colours first shown off when 3DS w

  • News Nintendo America Registers Fire Emblem 3DS Domain

    And relax

    So far only Nintendo Japan and Nintendo Europe have confirmed their plans for Fire Emblem Kakusei (aka Fire Emblem: Awakening), but it looks like Nintendo of America will be right behind them. The North American arm registered the domain FireEmblemAwakening.com, which currently redirects to Nintendo.com. The wing also registered domains...

  • News U.S. Patent Cites Wii U as "Universal Remote Controller"

    What else could it do?

    THQ's Danny Bilson wasn't kidding when he called the Wii U controller the "Swiss army knife of video game controllers." Touch screen, game streaming, motion control and near-field communication technology is all well and good, but the latest rumour points to the pad controlling more than just the Wii U console. A...

  • News Nintendo Buys Supermario4.com Web Domain

    An intriguing choice, yes?

    The news that Nintendo recently purchased a Mario related web domain is not always interesting, especially as big companies often buy web addresses just to prevent others using them. When we saw that supermario4.com was a recent acquisition for Nintendo, however, we were definitely intrigued. It may be rampant speculation,...

  • Rumour Wii U Components Cost $180, Will Retail at $300

    The money merry-go-around

    While nobody can seem to agree on exactly what's inside the Wii U, one anonymous tipster has told Forget the Box that the console's components will cost around $180 USD. That figure supposedly comes from sources "closely involved with manufacturing and distributing Nintendo products." The $180 number includes the...

  • Rumour ViviTouch to Demo Wii U Haptics Tech at E3

    Feels good

    Here's a Wii U rumour that's more towards the 'believable' end of the scale: Wii U's new controller could include haptic technology. According to an E3 floor plan (via NeoGAF), haptics specialist ViviTouch will show a Wii U peripheral at the upcoming trade show. ViviTouch's haptic tech is a more advanced form of physical feedback than...

  • Rumour Wii U Release Date Unveiled in Mystery Email

    So secret we can't see it

    It's Wii U speculation day, it seems. Just as we get over the latest anonymous sources telling us that Wii U is less powerful than PS3 and Xbox 360, we hear about the Wii U release dates being leaked. According to a Wii U themed website, and now being circulated around the web, Nintendo's next console will hit North America...

  • News Developers: Wii U "Less Powerful than PS3 and 360"

    Is it, isn't it?

    Welcome once again to the best game show on the internet, How Powerful is Wii U? While recently Darksiders II developer Vigil Games said Wii U is "on par" with current generation consoles, now a band of anonymous developers have spoken out to Games Industry.biz about the machine's power, claiming it's not got quite as much...

  • News Disney Epic Mickey 2 to Brush with Europe in September

    What a lucky rabbit

    Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two is the game on everyone's lips at the moment, and according to Junction Point top dog Warren Spector we'll only have six months to wait to play Mickey's Wii sequel. Nintendo Master — the same site that tipped the Disney Epic Mickey 2 press event — rep

  • Rumour Ubisoft to Bring Your Shape to Wii U

    The shock

    Ubisoft's Your Shape series rose to prominence on Kinect, but it stopped off on Wii first before leaping onto Microsoft's swanky sensor. Now it looks like the fitness series is ready to come back to Nintendo, with a Wii U version supposedly in the works. According to a post from The Royalty Network (via Go Nintendo), Ubisoft has requested...

  • Rumour Vectorman May Finally Come to Virtual Console

    Rated Down Under

    Fed up with never completing the epic storyline of SEGA's Vectorman series on Virtual Console? You may be able to play series closer Vectorman 2 on Virtual Console in the near future. The good old Australian Classification Board has rated Vectorman 2 for "multiple platforms". Virtual Console may be included in that — we...

  • Rumour Epic Mickey 2 Heading for 3DS

    Or is a powerful illusion

    We're almost certainly going to see Disney Epic Mickey 2 revealed next week, but on what platforms? According to the Twitter account of the French Official Nintendo Magazine, the mouse is coming to 3DS. The account tweeted the title Epic Mickey 2: Power of Illusion for 3DS, saying to look out for more details next week...

  • Rumour Donkey Kong 3D Swinging Into View

    Disclaimer — might not be a real game

    We quite enjoy the occasional rumour here at Nintendo Life, especially on a Monday. With that in mind, we're pleased to bring you the latest speculative news, and that is that Donkey Kong 3D is coming to 3DS this year, or on 25th May if you believe one particularly enthusiastic online retailer. This rumour...

  • Rumour Kingdom Hearts 3D European Release Date Leaked

    27th July, in case you wondered

    Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance is a title that many fans are anticipating on 3DS this year, though release details outside of Japan haven't been forthcoming. Apparently there's been a slip-up at Square Enix, however, and we may now know the European release date. As reported by IGN, Square Enix's French store...

  • Rumour Nintendo Courting Comcast for Wii U

    Cable may be on the way

    According to Adweek, Nintendo is doing the rounds at major media chains including cable company Comcast, hoping to secure their support for Wii U. The site claims Nintendo executives met with a number of top content companies at last month's Consumer Electronics Show, but sources admit it's very early days so far and that...

  • News Are Bowser and Dr. Eggman in Disney's New Film?

    Looks like it

    Disney's new animated film, Wreck-It Ralph, is about a video game villain who unleashes a powerful enemy from a first-person shooter. According to these scans from D23 magazine, the movie might have an all-star cast of nemeses, too. This picture — reportedly of the movie, though admittedly not the finest quality — shows Bowser, Dr...

  • News Nintendo Considered a 3D Screen on Wii U

    A tablet-sized 3DS?

    Nintendo's next home console, which may or may not be called Wii U, is due before the end of the year. While Nintendo is gradually unveiling details about the console and its tablet controller, the recent appearance of the console's patent filings has provided an interesting insight into what the machine could potentially...

  • Rumour Nintendo Considering Alternative Names for Wii U

    Who remembers the Revolution?

    According to rumours that have surfaced online, Nintendo is considering the possibility of rebranding its next home console, potentially leaving Wii U behind. As reported by CVG, staff at the top level in both Japan and North America are apparently discussing a name change, though whether this would affect the console's...

  • News Wii U to Launch Just in Time for Christmas

    Will you find it under your tree?

    We already know that Nintendo will release Wii U before the year's out, but Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has dropped a pretty big hint that the machine will land close to Christmas. According to several sources including Reuters and Bloomberg Japan, Iwata revealed during an investors' briefing that Wii U will hit...

  • Rumour UK Racing Studio Makes Big Wii U Commitment

    Who could it be?

    Tucked away in Develop's story about the Wii U's graphical power is this little nugget of information: Develop also understands that a prominent UK racing studio has committed to support Wii U with one project each year. We reported earlier this week that Slightly Mad Studios

  • Rumour Wii U "Twice as Powerful as Xbox 360"

    Anonymous source speaks up

    An anonymous developer speaking to Develop has claimed Wii U has twice the power of Microsoft's Xbox 360. The source said Nintendo's next console boasts twice the processing and graphical output of Microsoft's 6-year old console. Of course there are no statistics to back this up, but if true, it would represent an enormous...

  • News SoulCalibur V 3DS Appears on Retail Coming Soon List

    Draw your weapon

    3DS certainly isn't short of fighting games, but it may be getting one more added to its stable in the form of Namco Bandai's SoulCalibur V. A retail insider tipped us off that a pre-order listing for the game appears on tills at a major high street chain. Namco Bandai had not responded to our invitation to comment at the time of...

  • Rumour Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing Sequel for 3DS and Wii U


    Some dismissed Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing as a SEGA-themed Mario Kart wannabe, but was obviously superior for including Shenmue protagonist Ryo Hazuki as a playable character (wait, what?). According to a new rumour, there could be a follow-up in the works at developer Sumo Digital. The Sonic Stadium received a tip that claims the...

  • Rumour GAME User Accounts Compromised

    Update: Not really

    Update: GAME has responded with the following statement: At GAME we guard our customers' details very carefully. We have thoroughly investigated the hacking claims made today by the website Pastebin, and can confirm that they are entirely false. The published email addresses are not registered users of GAME.co.uk, and there has...

  • Rumour Two Zelda Titles in Development

    Any bids for three?

    Just one week ago we reported that Nintendo is working on a new Zelda game, as confirmed by series producer Eiji Aonuma. With that comes the inevitable sound of the rumour mill grinding away, resulting in the image you see in this post. The image was uploaded to the notorious 4chan site, and seemingly shows two new titles that...

  • Rumour Harvest Moon 3D: Tale of Two Towns Due for PALs

    Ripe for the plucking?

    The Australian Classification board has turned up a rating for Harvest Moon 3D: The Tale of Two Towns. The official rating calls the publisher "RISING STARS", though undoubtedly this refers to Rising Star Games, the publisher responsible for the Harvest Moon brand outside of America and Japan. As HM is Rising Star's...

  • Rumour Wii U Heading for E3 Face-Off with PS4 and Xbox 720

    New console trinity rumoured

    Hold onto your tinfoil hats, people: we could be in for a wild ride this year. According to UK retail and trade site MCV, there will be new PlayStation and Xbox consoles revealed at this year's E3. Nintendo has already confirmed it will show off the final Wii U form at E3 2012, potentially leading to a three-way scrap...

  • Rumour Wii U and 3DS to Get E-Reader Capabilities

    Don't read too much into it

    Nintendo showed off the Wii U's new controller reading the web, but surely it's got far greater potential when it comes to giving you something to read. According to Forget the Box, Nintendo is prepping full-on e-reader software for its new console. The site's anonymous developer source claims Nintendo is getting ready to...

  • Rumour New App Store in Development for Wii U

    We're not stating the obvious, promise

    Though we're yet to receive an exact release date, we know the Wii U will hit during the second half of 2012. One guarantee as release approaches is that wild speculation and rumour will run rampant. Today's contender: a Wii U 'App Store'. It goes without saying that there'll be an equivalent to the current Wii...

  • Rumour Nintendo to Show Off Wii U at CES in January

    Getting out there early

    The Wii U hasn't been seen since E3 in June, but according to CNET it's about to get a run-out at the Consumer Electronics Show in January. CNET claims Nintendo is taking the Wii U to CES in January, though the CES website doesn't list Nintendo as an exhibitor. Last year Nintendo held meetings at CES but didn't have any...

  • News Club Nintendo Gets Major Overhaul, Pay for Games with Coins

    And more

    Update: Club Nintendo now lets you buy download games with coins. Original story: Fed up of those Club Nintendo coins going to waste? A major update is on the way that will let you turn them into games. You'll be able to use your coins to purchase download games for the Wii or 3DS using either system's download voucher redeem ability. For...

  • Rumour Xenoblade Chronicles North America-Bound

    Only at Gamestop

    Update: A Gamestop representative has confirmed to us that the listing is true. Here's a rumour we can all hope is true: Xenoblade Chronicles could be coming to North America as a Gamestop exclusive. A forum poster on NeoGAF has posted a photo of what's claimed to be a Gamestop release schedule, with Monolith's RPG right down at the...

  • Rumour GBA Ambassador Games Delayed to 2012


    Update: Nintendo UK has stated the 3DS GBA Ambassador games will still release this year. After the delay of the 3DS system update we've got another digital delay rumour: according to Nintendo Spain, the Game Boy Advance Ambassador games won't be available until 2012. The site says "disponibles a partir d

  • Rumour 3DS Video Update Lands on 30th November

    Get ready for launch

    Nintendo UK recently launched a large-scale advertising campaign for its 3DS, with one of the focuses being the upcoming 3D video recording feature. Several users have contacted us to report that the advert claims the feature will be available "from 30th November". Update: YouTube user hutch1081 has recorded the advert...

  • Rumour Limited Edition Zelda 3DS to be Released in North America

    Don't open the champagne yet

    Good news, we hope, for eager 3DS buyers in North America. It has been reported by Siliconera that the gorgeous limited edition Zelda 3DS bundle, already confirmed for release in Europe, is also on the way to North America. The source of the claim is a scan of an advert from major US retailer GameStop, clearly showing...

  • News Zelda Top Brass Discuss Link To the Past in 3D

    It could happen

    The 3D Classics has taken in arcade games and 8-bit classics, but the potential for 3D remakes of games from the 16-bit era is mouthwatering. In a recent GamesRadar interview, Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma revealed that he and Shigeru Miyamoto have discussed bringing the 3D treatment to Super Nintendo classic The Legend of Zelda: A Link...

  • News Silicon Knights Working on "Most Requested Title" for Next Gen

    What could it be?

    Silicon Knights has had a torrid time in recent years: after years of development, its first Xbox 360 game Too Human met a tepid critical and commercial reaction, and its most recent release X-Men Destiny didn't fare much better. Things weren't always like this, though: the studio did a great job with Konami revamp Metal Gear...

  • Rumour 3DS Expansion to Be Called 'Circle Pad Pro'

    Amateurs not allowed

    The upcoming Circle Pad attachment for the 3DS appears to be gearing up for launch, with speculation swirling with regards to what it'll be called. According to a trademark filed by Nintendo in Japan, the add-on could be called the ‘Circle Pad Pro’ in the West. This is already scheduled for release on 10th December in Japan,...

  • Rumour Monster Hunter 3 G Lurching Toward Europe

    So have your swords sharpened by Autumn 2012

    Update: We have received word from Official Nintendo Magazine that the posted Autumn 2012 date is not official confirmation of the game's European release. Capcom's official statement about the game is "we have nothing to announce at this time." Original story below. Capcom's popular...

  • News Nikkei Leads with Nintendo Firmware Update Details

    10 minutes of 3D recording

    Japanese newspaper Nikkei reports that the upcoming 3DS firmware update will land in late November and allow up to 10 minutes of 3D video recording. The paper (via Andriasang) also states that these videos can be uploaded to sites like YouTube, though it doesn't specify that this is possible directly from the 3DS, meaning...

  • News More 3DS System Update Details on 4th November

    New StreetPass game on the way

    Update: It appears the update will not be released on 4th November, but rather this is the date we can expect to know more information. Original story: Nintendo promised a major 3DS system update next month, and it seems the new features may make it sooner rather than later, with a new report pointing to a 4th November...

  • Rumour The Darkness II Planned for Wii U

    Going bump in the night

    The third-party software line-up for Wii U looks pretty good already, especially if you like shooting, and now according to VG247 another decidedly hardcore shooter is on its way to the system. 2K's comic book adaptation is on the way to Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC in February 2012, but VG247 also reports the publisher is...

  • Rumour Next Smash Bros. Could Be Called 'Universe'

    Game not actually in development, though

    After the peculiar 'unveiling' of a new Smash Bros. title at E3 2011, after which it was hastily shot down, we've become wary of any so-called news about the next entry in the series. Nevertheless, a rumour is worth sharing, even if the actual game is still, potentially, years away. There have been leaked...