
Topic: Outright Games

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Welcome to Outright Games thread.
Here you can discuss and share your experience from the games by Outright Games.


I personally have some interest with the games by Outright Games such as Paw Patrol games, Racing with Ryan, My Little Pony, Jojo Siwa, etc.
I like to play kids games by Outright Games as the publisher providing a lot of kids franchisee from Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, etc in this modern era.
I heard also some issues from the games especially on Switch version which the games have worse performance than other version consoles.
I heard those feedback as my awareness in picking the games so I definitely pick the PS4 & PS5 for the games by Outright Games to avoid disappointing experience.
But, anyway...
They are not really bad games in my opinion, depend on the developer who made them.

What is your favorite games by Outright Games ?

Edited on by Anti-Matter



Paw Patrol World will be released on 29 September 2023.
I curious to see the improvement in this game by being Open World style, unlike the first three games which being 2.5 D platformer style.
If you are a Paw Patrol fan, you can consider this game.

Edited on by Anti-Matter



New Jumanji game by Outright Games due to 3 November 2023.
The second game looks like Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One style with a little bit Crash Bandicoot style.
I'm glad the second game can be pushed the age rating until rated E10+, still games for kids.



Ah yes, the LJN of our days. They'll license any kid-friend property for the sake of making quick, easy money. Regardless of the quality of the games themselves. They're fine for young, entry-level gamers.

But you'll most likely never get an award-winner from this publisher.

As entertaining as seeing something puke rainbows.

Buyer beware.


Switch Physical Collection - 1,258 games (as of June 7th, 2024)
Favorite Quote: "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown, and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." -Edna St. Vincent Millay


@Magician One thing is to have proper kids games like Bubble Bobble, Toki, Pokemon, Spyro etc. you know, games with charm and attention to details. Those licensed games are best described with one word, shovelware


My Little Pony: A Maretime Bay Adventure was very good. While it's short, they did a good job making a game that stayed faithful to the source material, the movie, My Little Pony: A New Generation. Liked it enough I bought it on discount on PC to have it there too.

Since they have the DreamWorks license, where on earth is my Trolls game Outright?

@Zuljaras I disagree with this, there are some licensed games out there that are great. Good example, Smurfs: Mission Vileaf. The developers did a great job making a well made game, with attention to source material. One of my favorite games in recent years too.

I feel if a license game lives up to its source material, while still being a fun game to play, then I don't consider it shovelware. I can't speak about the other games as I only played one OG game.

The resident Trolls superfan! Saw Trolls Band Together via early access and absolutely loved it!


Better keep your eyes on Outright Games YouTube channel because they have announced new Jumanji game just now after last time Paw Patrol World.

Also, I have feeling Outright Games might be publish new Troll game if you know the newest Troll movie will be released in this November 2023.

Edited on by Anti-Matter



I love to see behind the scenes of making Paw Patrol Grand Prix from the character rendering to track rendering. I saw somebody who put some dedication on kids games.
This is also to answer for all of you guys, if you still salty with the games by Outright Games, I said back off !
The games by Outright Games are NOT shovelwares.



@Anti-Matter I follow them on my personal Instagram, mostly for updates on the My Little Pony game, so I do keep an eye on them.

I hope so, given they made games based on Spirit Untamed and How To Train Your Dragon, I would love it if they make a game with Trolls too. Still bummed out over the mobile Trolls game being available for less than a year. I just want a full video game I could always play. I'd get it on both Switch and PC if Outright ever decides to work something out with DreamWorks.

Edited on by Sunsy

The resident Trolls superfan! Saw Trolls Band Together via early access and absolutely loved it!


@Sunsy There might always be exceptions to the rule. I am very suspicious when I see licensed game because 95% of the time they are total garbage that looks like a cheap phone game like that Jumanji or Hotel Transylvania games.



I noticed this Ben 10 game will get re-release copy with PS5 upgrade on its cover.
The old version didn't even have that notification on its cover.
Could it be the re-release version have 60 FPS support on PS5 ?
I would like to get 60 FPS support version. 😊



Crayola Scoot is the only Outright game i have, though i played a few more on Xbox Game Pass. Also, some Outright games(notably Race With Ryan) used to be on the Crappy Games Wiki before it shut down



I still struggle to perform tricks on Crayola Scoot as the buttons config was pretty complicated to remember all the functions. 😩

I wonder if there will be another Ryan games again by Outright Games.
Ryan himself is not a young kid anymore, he is 12 years old now.



Also, i discovered a way to totally break the S.C.O.O.T mode. When it's your turn, start grinding on a rail. When you get off the rail, do a trick and/or try to land on another rail because the timer doesn't stop until you stop grinding. Ideally, you will have a score so big that the A.I has no chance of winning.



Was that a trick glitch to get highest score as possible ?



i figured it out myself



I have no idea, maybe they already stop making games for consoles.
So far Ryan's games on consoles only the racing game and 2D platformer.
The racing game was surprisingly as good as Mario Kart games in term of their control button mapping, exactly like Mario Kart for drifting and using the items.
I wish there will be a sequel of Racing with Ryan with more tracks to play and FPS boost to 60 FPS.



Talking about Paw Patrol, it will have second movie Paw Patrol The Mighty Movie due to 29 September 2023 and I really really wish it will get the game version on consoles by Outright Games as the publisher and I really hope it will be a good 3D action game, not that 2.5 D platformer style from previous games.



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