
Topic: nintendo memories

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glad people are telling there memories in this forum i set up.knew it would have some great to here them all 👍ryobi ryan

Edited on by ryobi85

it's smash time people


Christmas of '86. My folks got me the NES Power Set; Super Mario Bros., Duck Hunt, and Stadium Events. My mother helped me hook the console up while my father left for work for the evening, graveyard shift. Early the next morning my father comes home from work and finds my mother and I still playing Super Mario Bros.

Birthday of '90. My grandmother hadn't been feeling well. But that didn't stop her from giving me some of the most awesome gifts in regards to this hobby that I love, two tickets to the Nintendo World Championships and a copy of Final Fantasy. The event was glorious, Nintendo had kiosks with games I hadn't played before and the Championship was fun although I didn't do very well. Sadly, cancer took my grandmother early the following year.

Christmas of '91. I was fairly sure that my folks were getting me a SNES for Christmas, I was persistent enough in asking for it. I would've been content with just the console and the pack-in game Super Mario World. However, my folks went the extra mile and added Sim City, F-Zero, and Final Fantasy II. I played FF II through the night, all the way to breakfast the following morning.

'02 - I was in my local mom'n'pop game store. I found myself watching a couple gentlemen behind the counter working on a GC. I asked them what they were doing. It turns out they were attempted to add a toggle switch to bypass the GC's region lock. Unfortunately, they irreparably damaged a couple chips on the board with solder rendering the GC into a useless paperweight. Doh.

Edited on by Magician

Switch Physical Collection - 1,258 games (as of June 7th, 2024)
Favorite Quote: "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown, and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." -Edna St. Vincent Millay


One of my favorite memories is of finally completing some of the dungeons in the original Zelda on a Thanksgiving back in the day. I basically spent two years failing to git gud at most of the NES games I had, so it was amazing how much I accomplished that day and it always stuck with me.

Back in 2001, in December, I was in chapter 7 of Paper Mario and had to go to bed. But I distinctly remember because I wasn't at a save point, I pretended to shut the game off but just shut off the tv instead.

I beat both Mario and Luigi and FFTA while I was supposed to be sleeping, I remember that. Really tough final battles btw.

In like 2007, I beat Golden Sun: The Lost Age, but I did so while my Dad was driving us somewhere. IIRC had to join my Dad in a store or somewhere and I missed a lot of the end game cutscene.

In 2010, I beat the entire 2nd half of the final case of Ace Attorney Investigations in one night. It took like 5 hours, until 5 AM, and I got like 2 hours of sleep.

When I was a kid I would somewhat regularly go to a local community center, where like other kids were in order to do sports or other...kid activities. And during the height of Pokemon S/G/C, I think like half the kids had one of the games. I did a lot of battling and trading, it was crazy. It was really notable for me because while obviously Pokemon was super popular around that time, I didn't do a ton of Pokemon multiplayer outside of that one time. Sometimes with my brother or a couple of our friends, but never that many random people at once. So it was a memorable day for me.

Also, that reminds me. The last year I was involved with that in 2003, we went on like a field trip. And I was playing Donkey Kong Country on GBA after having already beaten it. This other kid was playing LTTP and somehow we just decided to trade games. What makes this hilarious is that around that time, I was still trading in games at Gamestop regularly, so I had a GBA LTTP game but sold it already. I then also sold this copy eventually.

Non-binary, demiguy, making LPs, still alive

Megaman Legends 2 Let's Play!:

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