
Topic: A Music Thread

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Cemetaries of London is such an under-rated Coldplay song. Especially if you've seen them play it live.

3DS Friend Code: 2277-7231-5687
Now Playing: Animal Crossing: New Leaf


Some songs for today:

Jesus is the only way.
It's OK to have an opinion. This ain't the Soviet Union you know.
Youtube Channel

Switch Friend Code: SW-2350-3570-9923 | Nintendo Network ID: cheetahman91


Terranigma: Thank you for posting Aqualung, I love their stuff, and that song in particular. I hadn't listened to it in some time, as it tears me up (for reasons I won't go into). Easily one of my all time favourites. Dude!

EDIT: While I'm here I might as well contribute. I am in love with this woman.....

dammit! brb.... fixed

watch the actual video here, rather than the dumb lovely homemade one.

While I'm here. More!

Edited on by Machu



Nothing beats the classics. TMNT, anyone? :3

Probably the best song in Porky Pig's Haunted Holiday:

To each their own


@Terranigma A great choice of REM song there, here is their It's The End Of The World As We Know It, which has a similar theme and feel to your pick, with the way its rhythm rolls over, although this one is faster paced.
I love its snappiness, it is my favourite REM song. You all know it already, anyway. Enjoy.
nt. I'm guessing that this is their official vid too, but I could be wrong. Spot the '80s small nosed/ fat tailed skateboard set-up with fluorescent rails, to leave a trail of pink plastic after any boardsliding! The kid tries street plants and bonelesses in the derelict house at the end. lol.
**** Edit: Except that video (detailed above) did not work, so here is the url for it instead: ****

Edited on by JamieO

I am passionate about retro gaming, from antiquated consoles to the continuation of classics. Obviously I love PSone, and PS2 retro games. I blast my ears to breakneck melodic punk, gruff vocals and nimble alternative guitar hooks.



Me too Terra. Rarely meet people who know their stuff.

My music tastes are extremely varied. I love me some Hardcore when I'm wasted, and went crazy when this came on the radio the other night, flipping hilarious. Watch out!! Zelda Hardcore Mash-up comin' atcha!!!!!

Edited on by Machu



I am in the same boat as you Machu as far as my musical tastes go, people ask me what music I am into and I can never really answer them any other way than that I like a bit of everything, I used to DJ hardcore locally in my more youthfull days, here is a awesome bassline mix of my favorite Sonic tune, the Marble zone theme:

And a excellent song for chilling out too from a band i'm really digging at the minute


Cheers Stevie, that song was nice, I'll look them up. Also, good to know your tastes reach as far as Hardcore, I'm listening to Kutski on Radio1 right now, and it's LOUD!

I have the following song waking me up in the morning, love it!

And here's some more good chillness, everybody needs some Boards of Canada, best Scottish dudes, evar!!



Some for today:

Jesus is the only way.
It's OK to have an opinion. This ain't the Soviet Union you know.
Youtube Channel

Switch Friend Code: SW-2350-3570-9923 | Nintendo Network ID: cheetahman91


@Terranigma - No problem.
And to conclude the night, here's one song from Kirby Super Star/Kirby's Fun Pak:

My second favorite Kirby ending song of all time.

To each their own


I'm sorry to bump, but isn't this song beautiful??? :')

To each their own


Nobody knows the artists I listen to ;P

3DS FC: 1118-0222-5055


lunchmeats101 wrote:

Nobody knows the artists I listen to ;P

Not really the point. The thread is just for uploading music you like for the heck of it, not what everyone wants.

"The government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion."

-President John Adams

Treaty of Tripoly, article 11


And now, for some of my favorite music from games I haven't played yet. I probably shouldn't have (because I haven't played them), but, hey can you blame me? I love music in every shape and form (except for rap).

I still haven't played this game yet, but I'd really like to try it someday:

I loved ActRaiser's soundtrack as a whole, although the supposed sequel's music did not do it justice and it rather disappointed me some. Although this might probably be the only song I like from ActRaiser 2 (even though I haven't played it yet):

Not bad. I really like this orchestral piece:

I've still yet to beat Secret of Mana/Seiken Densetsu 2, but I really am quite enamored with this song:

To each their own


Nirvana is one of my all time favorite bands of all time:

Better than the original? Maybe

"The government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion."

-President John Adams

Treaty of Tripoly, article 11


I've been listening to Tom Waits this morning, and am listening to Ella and Louis now. <3 Very loud!

Edited on by Machu



Good choice!

@Machu:Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong? Out of left field, but nice pick!

"The government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion."

-President John Adams

Treaty of Tripoly, article 11

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