
Topic: None of the Nintendo DS games that were released as launch titles in the United States on November 21, 2004 used the Y button to punch enemies.

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It’s true that none of the Nintendo DS games that were released as launch titles in the United States on November 21, 2004 used the Y button to punch enemies?



Big if true.

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PSN: mrgomes2004


I still don’t Y. I map to B if I can. It’s why I prefer emulators for some things so I don’t have to Y when I want to B button



Are you referring to the DS or Game Boy emulators when you said that why you "prefer emulators for some things so" you "don't have to Y when" you "want to B button?



Why does it really matter for NO Y button for punch ?
What games do you play ?



Looking at the list of North American launch games, Mario 64 and Spider-Man 2 are the only ones that seem like they might involve punching. I don't know about the latter but Mario 64 DS uses the A button to punch. I'd be interested to know why you're asking this incredibly specific question though?

"Remember, Funky's the Monkey!"

Funky Kong


@Dogorilla Actually, Spider-Man 2 for the Nintendo DS uses the A button to punch while it uses the Y button to kick.

Edited on by maar2003



@Dogorilla I was doing this question because I want everyone to answer to it that it is true or not that none of the Nintendo DS games that were released as launch titles in the United States on November 21, 2004 used the Y button to punch enemies.



This is a... very interesting forum.

Is this the date the DS came out?

Heigh Ho Heigh Ho. It’s off to work (from home) I go.


@maar2003 There you go then, it is indeed true that none of the North American DS launch games use the Y button to punch. That still doesn't explain why you want to know though!

"Remember, Funky's the Monkey!"

Funky Kong

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