
  • Rumour Castlevania Title in Development for 3DS

    Could be called Mirror of Faith/Fate

    The Castlevania franchise has been prolific on Nintendo's handhelds, with six titles evenly split between Game Boy Advance and DS. It wouldn't be too much of a surprise if Konami was planning a new entry for the series on 3DS, and in typical pre-E3 fashion a rumour has emerged online. The story has appeared on...


  • News New Frogger Title Hops Onto WiiWare This Spring

    Now it's going hyper

    Frogger has a long gaming history, well known as an arcade in the early 1980s and appearing on legendary consoles as far back as the Atari 2600. It must have an ongoing charm, because it continues to appear in the current day with appearances such as Frogger 3D on 3DS and Frogger Returns on WiiWare and DSiWare. Konami has now...

  • News Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D Celebrates Japanese Launch at Hooters

    Where else?

    Here at Nintendo Life we often attend or read news of launch events, some of them quirky and full of character. The Japanese press reception to celebrate the release of Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D, however, may have seized the crown for the most unusual launch party yet. As reported by Andriasang, game journalists in Japan attended...


  • News Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D Sneaks into Europe on 8th March

    3DS exclusive features also unveiled

    Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D has been on the horizon of the 3DS for a while now, but a European release date — and official box-art — has finally been confirmed. It hits the region on 8th March, with further confirmation that it will support the Circle Pad Pro, the second title to do so after Resident...

  • News Metal Gear Solid-Themed 3DS Teased

    Slithers into view

    Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D has been a long time coming, but series creator Hideo Kojima has taken to Twitter to tease details about the stealthy title. His latest revelation, as reported by Andriasang, is that there will be a Metal Gear Solid-themed 3DS system released as part of a bundle. A release date of 8th March has...


  • Round Table Let's Talk About Castlevania

    25 years of memories

    This week has been Castlevania features week. We’ve picked our top ten games from the series, reviewed an awful novelisation of Castlevania 2: Simon’s Quest, and provided some tips for wannabe Dracula hunters. One thing that has become clear amongst the team is that this series is packed full of memories and nostalgia, as...


  • News Briefing on Snake Eater 3D Game Details

    Metal Gear Solid fans will be sneaking around later this year

    Konami is set to publish Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D on the 3DS later in the year, and the publisher has released more details on the remake of the popular PlayStation 2 tactical stealth game. Fans of the original Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater will be familiar with the game's...

  • News Frogger 3D Trailer Shows the Frog's Still Alive

    30 years of being run over hasn't killed him

    Cats are supposed to have nine lives, and if that's the case, then frogs probably have just as many. At least, Konami's flagship frog has done a pretty good job of avoiding the Grim Reaper of video game franchises. Frogger 3D is set for an Autumn release on the 3DS, 30 years after Konami developed the...

  • News Hideo Kojima Busy Getting Snake Eater 3D Ready for E3

    Not without trouble from a bridge

    E3 2011 is nearly upon us, and Metal Gear series creator Hideo Kojima is busy getting Konami's upcoming Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D ready for this year's expo extravaganza. Kojima recently posted a few updates on his Japanese Twitter account, revealing that he has just finished checking through the playable...


  • News There's Nothing Sneaky About Snake Eater 3D's 2011 Release

    Metal Gear Solid assigned with a 3DS release this year

    In Hideo Kojima's latest podcast, a new segment sees the Metal Gear series creator simply answering "Yes" or "No" to various rumours that are currently floating about, one of which pertains to the release of Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D. One of the rumours that Kojima's...

  • News Not Konami's Intention to Make Lautrec Look Like Layton

    Producer talks about sequel possibilities

    There's a reason why there are similarities between Level-5's Professor Layton games and the upcoming Doctor Lautrec and the Forgotten Knights from Konami, as the game's producer Noriaki Okamura explains. Speaking to Planet3DS, Okamura acknowledges superficial similarities such as the main character's top...


  • News Beyond the Labyrinth Headed to 3DS in Japan

    An RPG to watch

    Pandora's Tower is among the highly anticipated games slated for the Japanese market but without any current plans for Western release. You can add to that list Beyond the Labyrinth, an upcoming 3DS RPG from tri-Ace, developer of such games as Star Ocean and Valkyrie Profile and published in Japan by Konami. Directed by Takayuki...



  • First Impressions Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 3D

    The beautiful game goes 3D

    The revelation that Konami's Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 3D would find a home in Europe during the 3DS's launch period was no surprise to some, but the major part it played in Nintendo's conference showed the two companies obviously have big plans for the game's role in the 3DS launch. Our hands-on time with the world's...

  • News Konami to Take Over Hudson in April

    Studio to be absorbed like one of Bomberman's explosions

    Hudson, well known for its Bomberman and Deca Sports series, is to be fully absorbed by Konami on April 1 of this year. Konami, the studio behind Castlevania, Dance Dance Revolution, Silent Hill and many other titles has been Hudson's parent company since April 2005, holding a 54% stake. The...

  • News Doctor Lautrec Might Not be Your Typical Puzzle-Solving Hero

    Clues as to what Konami's 3DS puzzle game is all about

    With so many video game franchises out there, there are bound to be some that contain characters that look alike, no? Be it a simple case of coincidence, or what is supposedly the simplest form of flattery, Konami has revealed a little bit more on its upcoming puzzle-solving protagonist that...

  • News PES 2011 3D Launching this Spring, No Mention of Online

    See the game up and running here

    With the recent rumour that PES 2011 3D will be a launch title when the 3DS is unleashed across Europe on 25th March, Konami has released some solid details on its upcoming football game, but the date is still up in the air. What we do know is that PES 2011 3D will be available this Spring and when the time comes,...


  • News Excavating the First Dr Lautrec 3DS Screenshots

    Top hat doctor

    Konami's Dr Lautrec and the Forgotten Knights for 3DS caused quite a stir with its unveiling in Famitsu this week, and the first screenshots are now here to give you a better feel for the archaeological title. Set in 19th Century Paris, you control the genius archaeologist Dr Lautrec, who must explore the network of tunnels below the...

  • News Konami Wants You to Meet Doctor Lautrec on 3DS

    Professor Layton's French cousin, perhaps

    Just because 3DS is seeing an outing from the top hat professor in the form of Professor Layton and the Mask of Miracle doesn't mean that Konami won't try to steal a little of the astute one's thunder. This week's Famitsu magazine contains a reveal of Doctor Lautrec and the Forgotten Knights, an...


  • News Asphalt 3D to Set 3DS Hearts Racing in Spring 2011

    Screenshots screech in

    The Asphalt racing series has had some decent outings on Nintendo handhelds, not least Asphalt 4: Elite Racing on DSiWare, and now Konami is taking over the publishing reins to bring the game to 3DS in Spring 2011. The game's official site has just launched bringing with it a few teaser screenshots showing off some of the...


  • News Konami Has a Quartet of Franchises Heading to 3DS

    Contra, PES, Metal Gear Solid and... Frogger

    That long list of third-party 3DS titles contained plenty of mouthwatering prospects from countless publishers, but one title that particularly stood out was the prospect of a new Contra title from Konami. Now the Japanese firm has announced it'll be bringing the run-and-gun epic to Europe, alongside...

  • News StreetPass Being Looked into for Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D

    Potentially allowing gamers to "play" the game without actually playing it

    The 3DS is set to offer handheld gamers a variety of functionalities that were previously unavailable. It's easy for the 3D visuals to be stealing the limelight, but what about things like StreetPass? How will developers utilise this subtle yet intriguing feature? Since the...


  • News Super Mario Bros. was Gaming's Big Bang, says Kojima

    "One of mankind's greatest creations," says great man

    It's been 25 years since Super Mario Bros. hit the world of gaming, and its influence is still felt widely around the world. Konami legend and Metal Gear Solid creator Hideo Kojima is just one individual whose life was altered by the plumbing adventure. Kojima has said: With the creation of...

  • News PES 2011 Promises a Wii Control Revolution

    Dribbling all over the place

    Last year's PES 2010 offered the Wii's best kick-about yet, with plenty of options and an improved control scheme. This year's entry, which you won't be surprised to hear is called PES 2011, is promising further enhancements to the dribbling mechanics, with full 360º freedom at the top of the list. As well as the...