Tag: Capcom - Page 22

  • News Capcom Refused Inafune's MML3 Contract Proposal

    Inafune losing hope

    Capcom's announcement in July that Mega Man Legends 3 would not see release sparked quite the vitriolic response from supporters, thanks in no small part to its planned utilisation of fan influence and ideas to mould and shape the title. The company stated at the time that this was unrelated to the departure of series creator...

  • News There's Hope for Layton vs. Phoenix Wright Outside Japan

    Another mystery to investigate

    The thought of seeing two of gaming's greatest minds face-off in Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright is the reason we get out of bed in the morning, but when it was revealed that Ace Attorney Investigations 2 wouldn't come Westward some were worried that future mental mastery wouldn't make it out of Japan either. Now...

  • News Hear the Roar of More Monster Hunter 3G Shots and Details

    Unless you're using earplugs

    Monster Hunter 3 G is coming to 3DS, and it's bringing new features, monsters and more along with it. Aside from the opinion-splitting analogue stick add-on the game will offer a form of lock-on camera control using the touch screen. When a large monster enters the area, tapping the target icon will activate the feature:...

  • News Famitsu Leads with More Monster Hunter Tri G 3DS Details

    Bigger and better?

    When revealing the 3DS Circle Pad add-on, Famitsu also confirmed the existence of one of the most-requested 3DS games: Monster Hunter Tri G, an expanded version of Wii adventure Monster Hunter 3 (~Tri). The magazine reports that unlike PSP's Monster Hunter Portable 3rd the 3DS version will retain the underwater combat introduced...

  • Rumour Monster Hunter Tri G To Be Revealed Next Week

    It's that time again

    Every man and his dog is predicting a Monster Hunter reveal for 3DS soon: Mizuho Security pegged it for TGS 2011, and now another rumour has reared its monstrous head, claiming we'll see the game shown off next week. The source of the rumour is an anonymous Internet poster claiming to work for the Computer Entertainment...

  • News Analyst Predicts Monster Hunter Announcement at TGS 2011

    Here we go again

    Every time a major games event comes around, the rumour mill fires up to maximum efficiency and churns out a sludgy stream of hype and nonsense, in which one may occasionally find a glimmering diamond of truth. With Tokyo Games Show a few weeks away, Japanese analyst Mizuho Securities has predicted a big announcement from Capcom at...

  • News ESRB Rates Mega Man X2 for Virtual Console

    More love for Mega Man

    With the re-release of Mega Man X on the Wii's Virtual Console back in April, it looks like the X series is set to return as a classification from the Entertainment Software Rating Board suggests, Tucked away within the ESRB website is a rating for Mega Man X2. Originally released on the SNES back in 1994, the action...

  • News Capcom Sets Three Game Boy Games Onto 3DS VC

    Gargoyle's Quest next week

    Capcom has supported Virtual Console on Wii for years, so it's good to see it getting behind the 3DS Virtual Console with the same gusto. The company has just announced its line-up of 3DS Virtual Console games for the rest of the year, with some quality titles in there. Next week in Europe sees the release of Gargoyle's...

  • News Resi Revelations Trailer Features Classic Voice Acting

    Classic doesn't always mean "good"

    Resident Evil and voice acting go together like WiiWare and fireplace simulators. This latest trailer for Resident Evil Revelations shows the series has lost none of its love of the ridiculous when it comes to giving voices to its main characters. Chris Redfield and new partner Jessica Sherawat must explore a vast...

  • News Capcom Lets Loose New Shots of Resident Evil: Revelations

    Rocking the boat

    It may be a journalistic cliché to say that a game represents a "return to the series' roots", but in the case of Resident Evil Revelations, it seems apt. Capcom just granted us access to a series of previously classified materials, including new screenshots, trailers and information about the survival horror game. With...

  • News Capcom Talks Street Fighter X Tekken, SSFIV3D:AE on 3DS

    So many letters

    Right off the bat, Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition sold well, topping the 3DS charts and becoming the best-selling third party game on the machine. Producer and self-confessed Blanka lover Yoshinori Ono recently spoke about more Capcom fighters coming to the machine, including crossover scrapper Street Fighter X Tekken. While Ono...

  • News Solatorobo Dev Would Like to Work on Mega Man Legends 3

    A glimmer of hope?

    CyberConnect2, the developer behind the acclaimed Solatorobo: Red the Hunter, is currently collaborating with Capcom on Asura's Wrath for PlayStation 3 and XBOX 360, but what would CEO and President Hiroshi Matsuyama like to work on next? When posed the question recently, his answer was none other than the freshly cancelled...

  • News Capcom Apologises for Poorly Worded Tweet

    "We'd never ever blame fans"

    Last night, Capcom Europe responded to fan inquiries regarding the cancellation of Mega Man Legends 3 with a Tweet that it's now admitting was perhaps not the right choice of words: it's a shame the fans didn't want to get more involved :-( if we saw there was an audience for MML3 people might change minds Now the...

  • News Capcom Could Show Wii U Creations at Tokyo Games Show

    Capcom COO cagey

    The third party Wii U games video shown at E3 had plenty of talking heads, but not all of them had games to show off. Some big names weren't present at all however, with Capcom a notable absentee from the jollity. That could all change in September though, according to Capcom COO David Reeves. In a recent interview with MEGamers,...

  • News It's OK Mega Man Fans, Dr Wily's Revenge is Imminent

    Some light at the end of the tunnel

    Disappointed that Mega Man Legends 3 is cancelled? You'll still get to try some Mega Man goodness on your 3DS this year at least, as the ESRB has rated Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge. While of course age ratings aren't cast-iron release confirmations — PEGI rated Mega Man Legends 3: Prototype Version after all —...

  • News Mega Man Legends 3 Cancelled

    Goodbye, devroom

    Mega Man Legends 3 has easily become one of the more interesting projects in development for the 3DS, with its influence on fan input in the form of an interactive online devroom, votes to decide character designs and more and an announced Prototype Version, once planned to launch alongside the eShop, which would showcase the game...

  • News Here's How You Play Capcom's 3D Sound Game

    You know, Nazo Waku Mansion

    Capcom's Nazo Waku Mansion isn't content with just 3D graphics — it's using 3D sound too, along with almost every other 3DS feature imaginable, as you can see in this video below. The young lady playing the game uses the console's gyro sensor, motion detection, microphone, touch screen and more in ways that include...

  • News Capcom COO Thinks Monster Hunter Will Make It to 3DS

    That's a quest we'd like to see Capcom take

    Prior to Capcom's Captivate 2011 event in April, gamers were hoping for some kind of Monster Hunter-related announcement for the 3DS after the popularity of Monster Hunter 3 (Tri~) for the Wii. Unfortunately, nothing of the sort took place. However, a recent interview with Capcom's European chief...

  • First Impressions Resident Evil Revelations

    A return to survival horror

    Although Capcom originally coined the term "survival horror" to describe the first Resident Evil, one can't say that the franchise has been very much about that as of late. Resident Evil 4 and its sequel were far more heavily focused on action rather than suspense, with almost no scares to be found. Of course,...

  • Features 10 Life Lessons Learned From Mega Man

    It's not just blasting, you know

    Playing the Mega Man series is cathartic in many ways. You get to listen to great music, appreciate the impressively cartoony visuals Capcom wrung out of the NES hardware, and experiment with many unique and varied abilities. But overall, we tend to like it because it's mindless. It's a platformer with clear rules...

  • News Resident Evil: Revelations Graphics "Will Blow You Away"

    So says producer

    3DS has already produced some pretty stellar-looking games, but Capcom is already heading for the graphical high ground with next year's Resident Evil: Revelations, with producer Masachika Kawata confident it'll be among the best looking games on the system. Citing recent release Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D as a current high...

  • News Capcom Will Not Repeat Mercenaries 3D Save File Mistake

    Dark days are over

    The Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D save file debate is only just abating, but Capcom has certainly noticed the ire it attracted online, and has spoken directly to its fans about the issue. In a video posted on Capcom Unity, Capcom US Vice President Christian Svensson acknowledged the issue and strongly hinted that a single,...

  • News GameFly Isn't Renting Resident Evil: Mercenaries 3D

    That leaves begging or stealing, we guess

    The decision to allow one permanent save file in Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D — for better or worse — continues to attract attention, with North American rental company GameFly choosing not to offer the game to its subscribers. No statement was given, but the game's page simply says: Not...

  • Talking Point The Resident Evil: Mercenaries 3D Save File Debate

    Is a single, permanent save file ever enough?

    Capcom's decision to limited Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D to a single immortal save file has drawn plenty of discussion recently. It's a big issue, and one that deserves another look. At face value, only having one save file for life is baffling, and there's no precedent we can think of: certainly...

  • News GameStop Will Accept Trade-Ins on RE: Mercenaries 3D

    Business as usual

    The news that Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D save data cannot be deleted sparked a frenzy worldwide, with rental companies and retailers working out the impact it'll have on their businesses. Major games retailer GameStop made the bold decision not to trade the game in from customers, but has now changed its corporate mind and...

  • News Kawata: "I'd Love to Make a Resident Evil for Wii U"

    Would you love to see one?

    While the prospect of developing for the Wii U has excited some developers, others remain less vocal and instead, have almost chosen to wait and see what other developments take place from now until its 2012 launch. Masachika Kawata from Capcom is clearly excited about bringing a certain franchise to the console. Speaking...

  • News RE Mercenaries 3D Save Data Will Not Die

    Lives on and on like so many zombies

    Once you progress in Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D, out tomorrow in the US and on Friday in UK/EU, the way you play will forever be changed. That's because the game does not allow you to reset your save data. That's right – if you buy the game used or from a friend, you'll forever remain stuck with the...

  • News Resident Evil Revelations Introduces Parker Luciani

    Jill Valentine's new partner

    It was a year ago that Capcom released that Resident Evil Revelations trailer showing Jill Valentine and Chris Redfield at odds with each other over some unknown situation. Since then, most of Capcom's focus has understandably been on Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D, but thankfully, the wait for more information on the...

  • News Even Mercenaries Need a Fresh Change of Clothes

    Capcom reveals alternative costumes

    With Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D having just launched in Japan, the rest of the world will have several weeks to wait before the game makes it their way. Luckily, Capcom is still in the mood for teasing as the mercenaries' alternative costumes have now been revealed. The ability to unlock new garbs is...

  • News Capcom Announces Live Action Ace Attorney Movie

    Wait until you see Edgeworth

    Japan's appetite for all things Ace Attorney continues, as Capcom and director Takashi Miike announce a joint project to bring the offbeat detective series to the silver screen. The appointment of Miike as director is an interesting choice, as his past work spans everything from Yatterman to the severely gory Ichi the...

  • News Tatsunoko vs. Capcom Sequel Unlikely to Hit the Wii

    Wasted opportunity or forward-thinking?

    With the impending arrival of Nintendo's next home console, could we expect to see a lower number of sequels turning up on the Wii and see them launching on the Wii's successor instead? Perhaps. What we do know is if there's one sequel that's going to get developed that won't see a release on the Wii, it's the...

  • News Listen Up, Capcom's 3D Sound Adventure Launches in August

    In Japan, that is

    Capcom's experimentation with 3D sound in its upcoming adventure game Nazo Waku Yakata (roughly translated as Nazo Waku Mansion) certainly gathered interest when initial game details were revealed in March. Now courtesy of the game's official website, the Japanese release date has been announced, a move that's sure to remind some...

  • News Customise Your Skills in Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D

    Find out why Barry is in the game and Leon isn't

    When the playable characters in Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D were revealed with Barry Burton being the eighth and final member; some were left wondering why other characters were left out, in particular, Resident Evil 2 protagonist Leon Kennedy. Speaking to

  • News Resi: Mercenaries Goes Gunning for Europe on 1st July

    Clips at the ready

    Now we know the starting cast for Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D, with Barry Burton rounding-off the cast, and now we know when Europeans will be able to get their hands on the game: 1st July. We played the game back in January, so be sure to read our First Impressions: Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D. Capcom's

  • News Barry Burton Rounds Off The Mercenaries 3D Cast Members

    He doesn't know what it is

    Capcom has released some new screenshots of upcoming Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D and with them, confirms the last of the eight characters we'll be playing as in the game. As you can see, the newest member of the mercenaries team is Barry Burton, one of the original characters from the first Resident Evil game...

  • News Nintendo to Distribute Resident Evil: Mercenaries 3D in Europe

    Keeps signing those deals

    Nintendo pledged to give more support to third party publishers on 3DS, signing European distribution and marketing deals for Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition and Dead or Alive: Dimensions. Now you can add Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D to that list, as Nintendo of Europe has signed on to bring the game to Europe. In a...

  • News News Report Reveals Resi Evil: Mercenaries 3D's Release Date

    Axe no questions

    This just in: the upcoming carnage featured in Capcom's Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D has made it onto UK news channels. The latest report comes from RETV, with more footage of the outbreak of over-the-top violence as well as the first shots of experienced zombie-fighter Rebecca Chambers. The rash of zombie attacks is expected...

  • News Get Your First Look at 3DS eShop's Mega Man Game Now

    Join the Project

    Capcom's ready to bring something new to the Nintendo 3DS eShop next month, with Mega Man Legends 3: Prototype Version offering a taste of the upcoming Mega Man Legends 3. We now have the first footage of the downloadable game, and it's shaping up pretty nicely. At the moment we have no firm word on when the eShop will launch, game...

  • News Mega Man Legends 3: Prototype Version to Hit 3DS eShop at Launch

    3DSWare to start off with a bang

    Soon after Mega Man Legends 3 was announced for 3DS, Capcom made it clear that they wanted to take fan input seriously and design a game for the players. They opened the Devroom to let gamers connect with the development team and vote on aspects of the title, but now they've taken things one step further, announcing...

  • News Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D Utilises Home Console Assets

    Capcom the Re-Animator

    The arrival of the Resident Evil series on the 3DS is the bearer of two gifts: an anticipated return to the series' exploration roots by way of Resident Evil Revelations, and online cooperative action in spin-off title Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D. Two titles offering two different zombie-related experiences, but both

  • News ESRB Rating Outs Mega Man 5 for Virtual Console

    Charge your Mega Buster

    You can't stop the Blue Bomber's exploits on Virtual Console, as ESRB has rated Mega Man 5 for North America. Interestingly there's no PEGI rating for the game yet, indicating this may be one of the few Virtual Consoles titles to hit North America before Europe. The ESRB makes what was once the pinnacle of intense blasting...

  • News Sorry Everyone, There Was No Monster Hunter 3DS Reveal

    Give F5 a break

    So, despite everyone's biggest hopes and best intuition, Capcom's Captivate 2011 event came and went without even so much of a sniff of Monster Hunter 3DS. Capcom Europe confirmed via Twitter that there was no Monster Hunter content shown off at the event last week, nor were there any Ace Attorney-related revelations either. In fact,...

  • News Capcom Objects to Ace Attorney Investigations 2 Translation Costs

    (Not) Coming to America

    Capcom's spiky-haired Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney has enjoyed considerable critical success since his first DS appearance several years ago, but it seems the latest outing for his nemesis/friend Miles Edgeworth won't see the light of day in the Western world. Capcom's corporate officer Christian Svensson recently revealed...

  • Rumour We May See Big Capcom Announcements Next Week

    Monster press event planned

    Capcom's Captivate event is just a few days away, and Japanese magazine Famitsu (via Andriasang) is reporting the publisher has at least six games to show off. Known titles include Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3Dm Street Fighter X Tekken — a 3DS version of which is rumoured — and non-Nintendo titles Asura's Wrath...

  • News Celebrate 15 Years of Resident Evil With This Special Trailer

    According to Wesker, things are just warming up

    In celebrating 15 years of Resident Evil, Capcom has released a trailer that takes us back to where it all began, as well as where the franchise will be taking us in the not-so-distant future. Narrated by Albert Wesker, the trailer compiles footage of games both old and new. From the upcoming...

  • News Get a Gold Blanka Figurine Via SpotPass Now

    Or read the code inside

    SpotPass, so we're told, will deliver fresh updates straight to your 3DS: new characters, new content, all automatically and for free. Don't believe us? Ask a Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition player, as they recently received a new figurine from Capcom through thin air. While a level 7 golden Blanka statue doesn't sound...

  • News Outbreak of Resident Evil Revelations Planned for 2012

    Biohazard fans have a while to wait

    It's no surprise that Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D will be launching before Resident Evil Revelations does on the 3DS, but it appears the two won't be launching in the same year; with the former scheduled for a June release, we may have to wait a while longer for the latter. According to the official Resident...

  • News Jill and Wesker Show Their Moves in New Resi: Mercenaries Video

    Into battle once more

    If the rumours are true and Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D is indeed set for release on 17th June, it's looking like being a very good month for 3DS owners as the trailer below shows. Returning characters Jill Valentine and Albert Wesker pop up in the game to dispense justice with both barrels, blowing up the infected,...

  • News BBFC Slaps 17th June Date on Resident Evil: Mercenaries

    With free demo included

    Today Capcom announced that Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D will come with a Resident Evil Revelations demo, but when can UK gamers get their hands on the multiplayer monster mash? As soon as 17th June, according to ratings board BBFC. The board slapped a 15 certificate on the game and its included demo — named Resident...

  • News Resident Evil: Mercenaries Comes Loaded with a Revelation

    Console's first demo

    Gory team shooter Resident Evil The Mercenaries 3D is set to show 3DS owners what their console can do when it's released in a few months, but it'll also give gamers a taste of more traditional Biohazard outing Resident Evil: Revelations in the form of an included playable demo. The demo will take players on board the ocean...