
Topic: Why is buying anything in the estore so complicated??

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I love Nintendo, don't get me wrong. But I'm having a crappy day, I was ghosted this week, it's my birthday, and I'm sick. All I wanted was for one thing to go right.

I switch on my Wii U and decided I wanted to play an old game like new. I wanted to play an old LOZ game, so I go to the download store, find the game... Annnnnd trying to buy it is an absolute nightmare. You can't just purchase in screen, you need to visit a website, need to set up an account and need to link it to the console. Why are there so many UNNECESSARILY COMPLICATED STEPS.

No other console has ever made me spend so much time and effort trying to figure out how to part with my money. On steam and on PlayStation store I just enter card details and away I go.

Nintendo just makes me feel like I'll derp up one step and never get the bloody game.

Needless to say I've given up trying to buy it.

Edited on by gomeskiran



Sorry you're having a bad day. I think the reason for this is because of the recent changes to EU data protection laws. You used to be able to buy games directly from the Wii U eShop, but Nintendo would have had to change the system because of the new laws regarding credit card purchases (I don't know the exact details), and since the Wii U is no longer supported they didn't do that, they just made it so you have to go to the website to make purchases on it. I can understand their reasoning but I think it's a shame they didn't go to the effort of updating the eShop.

"Remember, Funky's the Monkey!"

Funky Kong


Guess there's always eShop cards. And if you have a switch and it shares the same wallet as your wiiu/3ds, you can also add funds via the switch and spend them on the other systems.

Edited on by Eel


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