
Topic: My Wii U is Having a Major Screen Issue.

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I was playing with a friend a few years back and we had food trays out from a previous night and I accidentally knocked over the tray and it hit directly on the Wii U. all that it left was a little mark on the screen. When I went to turn it on to see the damage the whole screen was buggy like a tv after something hit it too hard. If anybody has an answer please let me know. I will do almost anything to fix it. Thank you



@mycolin3 In the time it's taken you to get to this point from when it happened (a few years back) you could have easily picked up a used gamepad on eBay for reasonable money. You can probably still get one now but the prices will be higher.

If you're determined to fix your existing gamepad then it's likely you're going to need to disassemble it a bit. Look for a guide on something like ifixit, or a video on YouTube. Best case is a cable or other component became dislodged and just needs reaseating. Worst case I guess is some fundamental part like the screen needs replacing.

You guys had me at blood and semen.

What better way to celebrate than firing something out of the pipe?

Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.

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Thank you so much I will look into that


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