
Topic: Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart

Posts 21 to 31 of 31


@Snatcher That, and because of how the chip shortage is still raging on. I feel like it's moreso a combination of Sony artificially making it hard to find the console, and the chip shortage making it hard to produce the consoles.

"It is fate. Many have tried, yet none have ever managed to escape it's flow."


Yo, long time I didn't reply on this thread.
I have successfully got the USA version with fair price from my hometown last 3 weeks ago.



Rift Apart is my favourite PS5 Game, a bit short though

i enjoy Mario Kart Double Dash and Cups of Tea !!!!


This is still one of the best PS5 games (and perhaps games in general) that I played in the recent years. Even if you haven't played the previous ones, I would highly recommend Rift Apart.

I develop the SwitchBuddy app.


Yo, long time didn't post any update about this game.
I got PS5 machine on 1 June 2024 and I had hype with this game so far.
Currently my progress was at planet Salvali to get back the stolen map.
So far from my impression with this game, I enjoyed the game like I have ever played the PS3 version.
I got some nostalgia from previous planets that have been featured from PS3 games like Sargasso.
The story premise with chaotic rift dimension looked very surreal, kinda like wormholes everywhere.
The dimension switft when you hit the Rift crystal was really shocking as I saw the other situation like when the place being abandoned.

Say, who else played this game?

Edited on by Anti-Matter



Heck yeah, Rift Apart! I adored this game! Big R&C myself and this served me well! My friend is also enjoying it via family sharing. This game ran great on my steam deck with little problems.

If you wanna be friends on steam, my friend Code is: 1176431257
I accept all friend requests.

Adding someone on steam works pretty similarly to switch, so don’t worry too much about it.

Edited on by Yousef-

Steam Friend Code: 1176431257

RetroAchievements username: Yousef777



I played Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart on PS5, together with Ratchet & Clank PS4 to get both 60 fps experience.
I don't play Steam / PC games.
I only play consoles & handhelds in physical release.



That’s awesome. Yeah I think the 2016 reboot was locked to 30fps on the original ps4, so it was a good call to play it on the ps5
Both are pretty fun, though I tend to prefer the ps2 originals, which I know are still locked in ps3 land but they’re very fun games.

Steam Friend Code: 1176431257

RetroAchievements username: Yousef777



My progress currently at situation where Rivet left Kit after Kit decided to hide on planet Savali.
That was really sad situation.
It was almost reached the final part of the storyline.
I need to play again, maybe I can finish the storyline during this week.

Edited on by Anti-Matter



Yeah I’m sure you can. The point after that isn’t super long, and you will likely get most trophies done if you care about that, since they won’t require a second playthrough.

Steam Friend Code: 1176431257

RetroAchievements username: Yousef777



I finished the storyline just now. 😃
The Final Battle was right after I talked to captain Quantum so I prepared myself by attending the Zurkon Jr tournament to get more Bolts and armors.
Since I have set the difficulty on Rookie, I didn't find any difficulty to defeat Emperor Nefarious.
The only my struggle was out of ammo but I got covered by other weapons.
Well, this is my first PS5 game I have finished the storyline. 😊
It took 9 days to finish since I got the PS5 machine on 1 June 2024.
I think I will continue my Ratchet & Clank PS4 version on PS5.


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