
Topic: Pikmin 4

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I'm desperately trying to get back to this game but I have so many on rotation right now it's like whack-a-mole

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


@JaxonH I never even played it. After years of waiting lol!

Real life got in the way big time for me. Really hoping to dig into it this year.

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PC); Unicorn Overlord (NS)


So there's a promotion right now that gives extra reward coins for purchasing this game,
does anyone know if you get those extra coins if you use a voucher to buy the game?



@Uncle_Franklin I am not sure, but I would guess not, since the points are given to you when the vouchers are purchased instead of the games themselves.

I still recommend getting this game though, it's phenomenal.

Some of my favorite games are Paper Mario and TTYD, SM64, Luigi’s Mansion, Pikmin 1-4, Kirby Forgotten Land, and the DKC OG trilogy (especially the first 2). All on Switch besides LM. Nintendo please bring it back!


I have a question about something in the game, however it may have spoilers so beware:

What is that cave building in Rescue Command Post? You can see it kind of in the background and I find it kind of weird I can’t get to it. You can actually get somewhat close to the water next to it, but you cannot reach it. Was wondering if there’s any answers regarding that suspicious cave. I’m pretty sure I’ve 100% the game 2-3 times and I still don’t know what this is for. If anyone knows please help!

Some of my favorite games are Paper Mario and TTYD, SM64, Luigi’s Mansion, Pikmin 1-4, Kirby Forgotten Land, and the DKC OG trilogy (especially the first 2). All on Switch besides LM. Nintendo please bring it back!

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