
Topic: Nintendo Switch Online NES Controllers.

Posts 21 to 29 of 29



Nah, no notice whatsoever. They just turned up. Really surprised actually. Have yours turned up yet?



They have!
Odd thing though; the outer package is addressed to me, but the invoice inside is for someone in Lithuania named Roman. I guess as long as Roman gets my controllers though then all's well that ends well.

Bit of a messy job at NoE then, but if anyone should be reprimanded I think it ought to be whoever decided their customers should be kept in the dark.
Perhaps in a few days they'll email us discount codes for 3DS/Wii U games we already have (or don't want) by way of apology.


Nintendo Network ID: T.D.Stephens | Twitter:


Still have not received my controllers, Nintendo is not saying why they have not sent them out.



@HalfAWorldAway Ouch... Did you contact Nintendo about this?

Edited on by MarioVillager92

"Give yourself the gift of being joyfully you."

ACNH Name/Island: D-Pad/D-World
Dream Address: DA-1613-1378-1995

Also known as MarioLover92. Please ask for my Switch FC if you want to play online with me. Thanks!

My Nintendo: MarioLover


yeah been back and forth for months now, they still don't know why


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