
Topic: Konami Anniversary Collection Arcade Classics

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Has anyone downloaded this yet?

I want to get it, but the price tag is making me hesitant. Is the game good? Does it have good emulation? Can you play games in tate mode with a flip grip?




No, I wanted a Physical release for all the games this old a Physical release is better.



The emulation is good but the extra features are not as stellar compared to Hamster's individual releases. There are no additional video options such as screen flipping, size and position...only screen ratio. There are scan line options though it is referred to blurring despite the image is not blurred at all. There are also no leader boards and various versions of the included games like on the PS4 via Arcade Archives. The emulation looks great on default but there are not many options. Some of the games in the collection were also released on PS4 via Arcade Archives with much more options and features. The big downer here is that this collection is also developed by Hamster who generally does a great job on Arcade ports so I expected better. While I wouldn't say I regret my purchase as I am pleased with default options but I would of rather they just released these games via Arcade Archives on Switch.



@MortalKombat2007 Well, I bought the game without seeing this.

It's good, but it's not the best.

Emulation wise, the game is really good with Hamster's coding, but Konami is a bit stubborn, and forced their own UI into the game. Viewing that Bonus Book is a bit of a bitch, and there's no touch screen mode for it in handheld mode. Plus I hate how starting the games credit is the start (+) button, whilst the menu is on the select (-) button. I just prefer to pause the game with the start button. Plus the missing Tate mode was a bit of a bitch.

However, I had some gold points, so I didn't have to pay full price for the game anyway.

Hopefully in a future update, we could see these improvements...

  • Better button layout, just give us L and R to coin up and start the game like any other Hamster Arcade Archive title.
  • Western and Japanese names. Sure, Gradius 2 was called Vulcan Venture in the West, but it's Gradius 2!
  • Tate and more screen rendering modes.
  • Better controls and touch screen support for the Bonus Book
  • Allow certain options to be set across all the games, and some that can be tweaked for individual games.




Hmmm been tempted by this but may then wait for a sale. Have 200 good points expiring soon but may go for another game. A real shame as some of the arcade classic rereleases have been stellar. Which reminds me, need to check the Psikyo Collection 3 release date.



Version 1.0.2 is now out. It adds support for TATE mode on compatible games.

Legal threats that have gone nowhere: 1


Does it support Tate mode when docked? (For vertical monitors)

See ya!


Does anyone know what Castlevania games will get the Japanese versions added to the anniversary collection?

The chickens are restless.
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