
Topic: Thoughts on the Warner + Discovery merger?

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I suppose now we know why AT&T didn't sell WB Interactive Entertainment division for four billion late last year, a bigger adjustment was the conclusion. AT&T is getting out of the content creation business and creating a new entertainment division in conjunction with Discovery. The 11 or so video game studios WBIE owns are being divided up. Some are staying AT&T (probably to be sold at a higher premium), while the others will go towards whatever the new business venture Warner and Discovery will be calling their platform.

Here's hoping Nintendo buys NetherRealm Studios.

I'm kidding of course; no doubt MS is going to purchase whatever chunk of WB development studios AT&T intend on keeping from this move.

Edited on by Magician

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Warner Bros is a mess, they keep chop and changing their heads for awhile now.

My attention is mainly on what happens to DC Comics more so than the games.

Nicolai wrote:

Alright, I gotta stop getting into arguments with jump. Someone remind me next time.

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I didn't even hear about the merger. Usually, mergers end up being a mess so I'm not excited to see how this will work. Hopefully it won't be another AOL Time Warner situation. I wonder if they'll keep Discovery+ and HBO Max separate streaming services though.

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