
Topic: Do not buy this piece of crap game

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I purchased this recently, Looks cool, Seemed fun, did the tutorial and everything but is actually a unfinished piece of crap. The game is difficult even on amateur settings, the starting vehicles are not capable of completing some of the obstacles that you need to pass in order to finish a race. This game is plagued with random yellow flashes of light, a blue square that sometimes pops up in the center of your screen and most of the races that I have found are set during sunset which makes it difficult as hell to see. When selecting a race you are not even told the difficulty of the course until the loading screen right before it. Controls can't be changed, I told the settings I wanted manual transmission to see if maybe a lower torque would get me past some difficult obstacles but that didn't even take effect. Save your money.



You're telling us not to buy this piece of crap game while not telling us what's the name of the game, what a power move.

The Harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.

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@viridianasovari You.... you could tell us which game? Maybe?

Edit, oh, i see the Overpass tag, now, hiding above. Kkslider5552000 pointed it out. I goof up a post every now and then, too

Edited on by WoomyNNYes

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
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I think its Overpass based on the tag...or whatever that is. You see that above the title of the thread? Yeah...

No one cares about these tags though so I don't blame you for being confused.

Non-binary, demiguy, making LPs, still alive

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Those tags are VERY easily overlooked.

Anyways, I don't really think this counts as "News"

Edited on by Joeynator3000

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