
Topic: Street Fighter 30th anniversary

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Hello. Just got the Switch, played Street Fighter 30th Anniversary in 2 player mode with no issues.
A week later we tried playing again in 2 player mode, but the right joy-con doesn't respond to the game. Bought new Pro controllers but the game just will not see the right controller. It will function correctly when I'm not playing, so I'm thinking it's a setting within the game, but I have spent hours trying to figure out what it is with no luck.
I have also reset the console meanwhile, even though it was only used once.
Any help for this newbie would be greatly appreciated.



@Zerosignal I've just put the game on to have a look. There is a 'Controls' option on the main menu and within each game. It let's you select between player 1 and 2. Click 'Defaults' to return them to the original settings.

If that doesn't fix it, I'm not sure what it can be if it's working fine outside the game. Your Pro controller isn't registering for the 2nd player either?

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@oorwullie I clicked on defaults and now the Pro controllers seem to be working, but for how long is anyone's guess. But when I remove the joy-cons, it wants me to set those up again.
I'm reluctant to set those up again, or is this normal for the Switch?
I appreciate your help very much!


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