
Topic: The Last Door: Game keeps crashing

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Just got the game 2 days ago, and I absolutely adore it.
I’m on episode 2 of the second season now, but every time I gain control of the character and attempt to leave the bedroom, the game crashes. I’ve tried it 4 times now, tried restarting my device, tried restarting the whole chapter from the beginning, nothing works.
Really bummed out, as this game is awesome.

Edited on by pixelivia



I'm so glad you posted this! The same thing is happening to me and I was scared it was my Switch. I've emailed the company and sent feedback, so I'm hoping we can both keep playing soon!



It's a real shame, because I remember Game as being such a great experience. Who doesn't love Game? The developers really went to town on this one, the way they married gameplay, aesthetics and plot is really unrivalled. I just hope they bring the same attention to detail with the inevitable sequel, Game 2. But with fewer crashing issues.

Switch ID: 5948-6652-1589
3DS ID: 2492-5142-7789


@pixelivia .............................with that said, you might wanna put the name of your game in the title. Or, your post...or something. Because tags are quite easy to miss on here. >.>

My Monster Hunter Rise Gameplay

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Keep it PG-13-ish.



Thank you lol, first time posting on here and wasn’t sure if I was missing anything! @Joeynator3000



@Gruffonhuffle I think I may have found a fix. I started a whole new game (starting at the very beginning of ep. 1 of season 2) and played until I got to that damn bedroom, and I was actually able to leave this time! I know it’s a bit tedious, but maybe this will work for you

Edited on by pixelivia



I’ve been having the same problem. I tried re-downloading the game but it still crashes. A warning though, since I have played this game before, I decided to push ahead with Season 2, Chapter 3 and I encountered a new crashing area. When you’re at the lighthouse and you get the battery. The game always crashes when you try to exit that screen, and since the game autosaves on that same screen, the game is borked at that point.



I'm also still encountering crashes. They fixed the first one, but now in Ep. 2 of Season 2 it happens with the hypnotism scene. They've said that there is a fix coming out, but didn't give a date. I hope it's soon, I've played this before and really love it.


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