
Topic: Trails through Daybreak / Kuro no Kiseki on Switch

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I've never played a Trails game before, but Trails through Daybreak seems like a great starting point. I really want to be able to play it on Switch, but so far I believe there's no footage of it at all. The only footage seems to be on the PS5 version. I was thinking of preordering it, since this is the kind of game that gets a limited print. I'm not someone to care about frame rate too much, but I do care if the graphics are worse. So my question is; should I wait until there's footage of the game until I preorder? What if there's no trailers before release?

Thanks for reading.



Trails through Daybreak hasn't been released on the Switch yet which is why there is only playstation footage available. The Japanese Switch version comes out on the 14th of February 2024, and the Western version only has a tentative "Summer 2024" release date, so it should be possible to find a review of the Switch port before the game releases over here.

There's no way of knowing how different the graphics might be because the new game runs on a new engine to the previous games so we don't know what the Switch version will be like, but they've never really been graphically intense games anyway.

Edited on by Coversnail



Thanks for the response. I thought the Japanese version was coming out in Summer 2024 too, and didn't see this info anywhere online. Now that I've checked, you are right!



@imadeanaccount @Coversnail
Demo is available on the Japanese eShop.

@Ralizah might also be interested in seeing how this new Trails game looks and runs on Switch, being the first in-house Falcom developed title in the series and all.

I've taken a couple dozen pics of it running in tabletop mode. It plays very smoothly too, btw

I noticed the game doesn't look as sharp in these pics due to my phone camera not perfectly focusing when taking pics of screen images. It looks even better in person.


























Edited on by JaxonH

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


@JaxonH Bruh, you're screenshot game has gone downhill! Either that or you're just looking for any excuse to show off your fancy controllers 😜

You guys had me at blood and semen.

What better way to celebrate than firing something out of the pipe?

Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.

My Nintendo: gcunit | Nintendo Network ID: gcunit


I recorded a 7 minute gameplay vid with lights turned off in 4k 60fps. It's uploading to YouTube now. I'll post when it's done processing.

Think you're gonna love the fluidity of gameplay. You get a dodge roll now and combo attacks before engaging the enemy. You can take enemies out without even engaging in battle. It's awesome.

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


@JaxonH It looks a good step-up from the other Trails games on Switch which ran on the same frame-work as ToCS I & II Remasters on PS4. This honestly looks like it's better than ToCS III & IV on PS4 visually, but not quite as good looking as Reverie on PS4. Still for a Switch title, it looks rather nice!

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7 minutes of 4k 60fps video recording gameplay in tabletop mode.

It's for sure better than previous entries on Switch. Which don't get me wrong, they're perfectly playable and enjoyable. But this feels more like the quality they put into the Vita releases of Cold Steel 1 and 2

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


@JaxonH Looks good. Although it'll probably be a decade before I catch up with these games. Definitely glad Falcom is developing these in-house now. The NIS ports were a nice start, but you could clearly tell most of them weren't well optimized for the hardware.

Cute controller, btw. Did you say before it has gyro?

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PC); Unicorn Overlord (NS)


I love Google Translate. Just check out the backstory available in the menu, with a real time translation that shows up if you point your camera lens at it:





Not just gyro

  • HD Rumble (same linear actuators used in official joycon)
  • NFC (yes, amiibo support)
  • gyro (just as precise as official joycon)
  • HALL Effect Analogs
  • Mechanical buttons (and not just any mechanical buttons, actual Omron microswitches, and not just the face buttons either, but the shoulder bumpers, triggers and even the d-pad, which makes it the best d-pad Ive used in my entire life, I nailed 6 Zangief pile drivers in a row in Ultra Street Fighter II- show me any other d-pad that can pull that off)
  • d-pad is swappable with included rocker-style d-pad (which is what I used for Ultra Street Fighter II, otherwise I stick with the traditional style)
  • Swappable analog sticks (can swap with the analogs from their pro controllers which are a bit larger and wider- I like using the wider one on the left joycon for movement since it's more comfy for thumb, and the slightly smaller one included on the right for camera control since it's more grippy and therefore easier to dial in precision)
  • Rear mappable buttons (ever since Steamdeck this is a must-have for me)
  • robust turbo and macros
  • anti-friction analog rings
  • Swappable faceplates with round or octagonal gates
  • split wireless functionality as single controllers
  • system wake
  • 17 hour battery life
  • so ergonomic it makes Switch OLED feel like a mini Steamdeck
  • NOT made cheap or using cheap materials- these legit feel like they could pass for official 1st party joycon

They're dream joycon, that's what they are. Every feature you could ever want, with the perfect design, perfect comfort. I couldn't find something to complain about if I tried. And they're just $80, same as official joycon, despite having the full spread of official features and then some.

I still see "top 10 Switch accessories" lists with those God awful Hori Split Pad pros, the sorriest excuse of a joycon I've ever seen, and can't help but think the "journalists" compiling these lists don't even play Switch or know anything about it beyond the bog standard D-tier accessories that hit the market years ago.

Edited on by JaxonH

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


It actually kind of amazes me. All these years ppl complained about joycon.

  • Give us joycon with HALL Effect analogs that won't drift
  • Give us joycon with a real d-pad, a good one
  • Give us joycon that's more ergonomic where the right analog isn't directly under the buttons
  • Give us joycon with anti-friction rings so the rubbing friction doesn't cause particle dust that gets inside the controller
  • Give us joycon with larger analogs where we can actually aim better
  • Give us joycon with Rear buttons or paddles like Xbox elite controller
  • Give us joycon with a rocker d-pad like Xbox has
  • etc etc etc

"If Nintendo would just make joycon with [insert feature/improvement here] everyone would buy it"

We finally have that joycon everyone's been clamoring for these past 7 years. And not just with one feature ppl wanted, but literally all of them, and then half a dozen more ppl never even thought of. Like mechanical Omron Switches- never heard anyone say they wanted that, but after experiencing it for myself it makes membrane buttons feel inferior and dated. And makes the d-pad so easy to roll, you can pull off any move in Street Fighter like it's nothing. 8bitdo d-pads have nothing on this Omron switch d-pad. Can't even come close to touching it.

All these years ppl complaining that every 3rd party joycon is a half measure with missing features to sell cheap. Like Hori's first d-pad joycon for $20. Wasn't even wireless. No gyro, no Rumble (not even normal rumble much less HD rumble), it was just an analog stick, dpad and 2 shoulder buttons. For 7 years we've been plagued by half measure 3rd party joycon. And everyone said, "why won't at least ONE company make a premium product that isn't missing any official features, but has a d-pad?".

As time went on they got better. We started seeing gyro added. And normal Rumble. Even HALL Effect analogs. But even then, nobody would ever bother to go all the way and include NFC and actual HD rumble. They'd go 80% of the way and say, "good enough"

Finally... finally a company has stepped up to the plate and said ya know what? We're gonna make fully featured joycon. FULLY featured. And we're not gonna stop there. We're gonna go above and beyond fully featured. We're gonna pack in every possible improvement known to man. If it exists, we're doing it. And we're not gonna make it cheap with garbage quality control either. No no no. We're gonna make these joycon world-class. They're gonna look and feel like the highest quality controller you've ever used. Spare no expense. Take no shortcuts. We're going all in on making the ultimate joycon.

And... nobody seems interested. Like, what?!!! This is what everyone's been saying they wanted from day one!!! It's finally here, and ppl are like nah, I'm good. I'll still with drifting joycon, or I'll stick with my no-wireless, no-gyro joycon. I'll stick with my 20-yr dated standard rumble, no NFC joycon. I'll stick with my mediocre d-pad cause hey, at least it IS a d-pad.

It's just really surprised me how little interest I've seen in response to these. Not just gamers in general, but Youtubers, video game sites, everyone. They make videos on the Nyxi joycon with no HD-rumble, no NFC, mediocre d-pad, no mechanical buttons, no option to swap d-pad with a rocker or swap round gates for octagonal... everyone makes videos on that, or the NitroDeck. Which admittedly, I loved the NitroDeck when it released, but only because no better option existed at the time. Now, having no HD Rumble, no NFC, no gate options, no swappable d-pad and analogs, no mechanical butrons... it feels inadequate. And having all that in split joycon that can still be used as separate controllers, still be made into a pro controller with a grip... it makes a one piece solution like NitroDeck feel all the more cumbersome and limited by comparison.

Idk. Maybe these 3rd party companies knew what they were doing all along. Maybe they knew nobody really wanted fully featured joycon. The money is in handicapped, feature stripped joycon with the bare minimum features to make it functional, for $50-60.

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


@JaxonH Thanks for the pictures. I was originally planning on playing Trails through Daybreak at launch but decided that I should just play the other games first. I'm now at the final chapter of Trails in the Sky SC. I will catch up to this game, one day....



Wow, you went all the way back!

I have the Sky Trilogy running on Deck OLED and one day I'll play them, but I just hopped in with Cold Steel 3 on Switch, then jumped to Cold Steel 1 on Deck, and started a save in Trails From Zero on Switch. It's a lot of rpg to play. They're really good with story summaries in the menu though.

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John

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