
Topic: Series Nintendo needs to revisit

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Nintendo really, and I mean REALLY needs to revisit some series.

For example, Donkey Kong Country. It's been 10 years since we last saw an official entry in the series.
Then we've got Kid Icarus, which hasn't had an entry since 2012.

I could go on and on, but what series do you want to see Nintendo return to?



I've always wondered what an "Uprising" version of Ice Climbers would be like...



Probably not likely, but Chibi Robo. I'd be happy with a remake of the first one to be honest.

The 3DS had some weird spin-off that used the camera, but for the 3DS I remember it looked great! Then we got a 2D platformer after which didn't look good, I didn't buy it...and then I think the studio shut down?

It's just a charming, weird series. And after Pikmin 4 with it's house area, it left me thinking of Chibi Robo. I don't know why every installment had to be different because the first one was quite good.



Wrecking Crew. Also Rhythm Heaven.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


A true return to Pilotwings. Just imagine a Pilotwings game that gives you a vast, open world to explore!



Rhythm Heaven, Wario Land and Punch Out

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Punch Out and Kid Icarus would be really nice imo

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I second Rhythm Heaven, that series is just begging for more games.

I also want to toss Starfy and Kuru Kuru Kururin into the ring. They're a lot more niche but they've both had a consistently high level of quality, and there really aren't many games like them. TOSE and Eighting are still around too so I'm sure it's totally possible if they ever wanted to return to them.



F-Zero is a big one for me that I think could happen.

Total pipe dream though, they should hire platinum games to make a new Mach Rider. It would basically be Vanquish on a motorcycle.


My Nintendo: judaspete | Nintendo Network ID: judaspete


Earthbound. I’ve always wanted to try it since I heard it was like Nintendos Stranger things but actually made in the eighties. I might play it off snes nso but I almost want to wait for a remake . Maybe with the anniversary celebrations and sudden promotion of the series we shall get one

Taylor from Blank Space was my old pfp if anyone gets confused. this is tay from he latest album
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A Star Fox game from time to time, would be very much appreciated. Maybe a revival of the Mario Bros. arcade game? And maybe Star Tropics.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2361-9475-8611 | Nintendo Network ID: Traumwanderer


I think it would be nice to see duck hunt and ice climbers return (even though they aren't series). With the right team and a kid icarus-like revival, it could set them up as actual series for nintendo.

The tanookduke strikes again!


Fossil fighters or starfy.



I think Nintendo should revisit the smash brothers series. And Mario Kart.

Nintendo Switch OLED Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Edition Gamer


I'd also like to see F-Zero make a return. With how well F-Zero 99 has been doing, it has made me hopeful that Nintendo would finally see fit to make another game. I think it can still coincide with Mario Kart since they both play differently from each other, despite both being racing games.

Same thing with Donkey Kong, I'd also like to see another DK platformer... including the long-rumored 3D one. I certainly won't mind seeing another Mario & Luigi game, either, as @Mallow9623 just brought up. I wonder who'd develop the next one now that AlphaDream is gone?

@Atomic77 Those are literally two of Nintendo's most popular game series. Mario Kart has been on nearly every Nintendo system since the SNES. Smash Bros. appeared on every home console since the N64, with the 3DS getting a handheld Smash game as well. I'm positive that they'll make new games for both series on their next system. Granted, the Switch got an enhanced port of Mario Kart 8, but I think that's largely because of how the Wii U flopped hard in terms of sales. Plus the Switch version got its own DLC that doubled the amount of courses.

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@MarioVillager92 I wonder is FZero 99 was an 'acid test' to gauge fan interest for a potential revival?



@CJD87 Hmm perhaps. But it's a good game on its own too. I'm sure it also got a lot of players who have probably not touched an F-Zero game before, since it's a free download for those who have NSO.

"Give yourself the gift of being joyfully you."

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