
Topic: Game genres you don't like

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Are there any types of games you don't like?

I'm talking about AFTER you've tried one or a few in that genre so don't hate on one for the sake of it.

When I was younger, I hated the idea of RPGs...

...And then I played PokéMon Blue.

After that, I was in love (with Pkm and RPGs in general).

Edited on by Saban



You are the same user AishaCampbell, JasonScott1, BillyCranston, KimberlyHart, Leighdapa before, aren't you ?



I still have a hard time getting into JRPGs. My main problem with them is the combat tends to feel really slow, especially in turn-based games. Along with that you generally have cheesy writing and voice acting, and ridiculously long playtimes.

Other than that, simulation games don't really do it for me, whether it be farming, driving, or anything else, but those games are pretty niche on purpose. I also never really got into MMORPGs and MOBAs due to the premise of them being extremely confusing to me, and a lot of them don't seem to be very beginner-friendly.

But overall, I'd say I range from not minding certain genres to loving most others. I have a wide taste in genres I enjoy, and don't like to stick to the same types of games.

"Science compels us to explode the sun!"

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Personally, I'm not huge into point-and-click games, as while I don't despise them, a lot of the ones that I've tried such as Sam and Max and the Cyanide and Happiness one I find to be extremely slow for my taste. The copious amounts of unfunny humor (at least to me) found within them also don't help.

Now, if we're talking about a genre that I absolutely despise, it would be visual novels. If I'm going to invest myself in a game from start to finish, then there has to be more to it than just walking around and talking to npcs for me to stick around and see it through.



@Deltarogue I was against P&Cs too but for some reason, Broken Sword 1 looked appealing to me so after seeing it on GBA for about £5, bought it and fell in love.



Tactics games. I think what they do is extremely cool but my god I can't stand the gameplay. I feel like I have to do 4-Dimensional Chess at all times while going through them between stuff like vantage points, accuracies, cover and partial cover, area of effectiveness, etc. I don't know why it's such a massive barrier for me (especially when I can do stuff like build competitive Pokemon teams at the drop of a hat) but whenever I try one out, it always just ends up as a frustrating mess.

There's only really been one tactics game I really ended up liking being Mario+Rabbids since it stripped the systems found in similar games like XCOM down to their barest essentials which was enough for me to really get into the flow of it. Other than that though....yeah I just don't like 'em. Very happy for those that do though, I wish I was the same.

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Have you tried the Valkyria Chronicles series? I enjoyed the first and the fourth entry.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2361-9475-8611 | Nintendo Network ID: Traumwanderer


I just do not have the foresight to plan out combos. This prevents me from enjoying both fighting games and Tetris style puzzle games.

Edited on by Munchlax



I'd say in general I'm pretty open to basically any genre if something looks interesting enough but there are definitely some genres that I generally tend to steer away from. FPS and fighting games come to mind.


Switch Friend Code: SW-4616-9069-4695 | 3DS Friend Code: 3652-0548-9579 | Nintendo Network ID: Ben_AV | Twitter:


Shmups... would I go as far as saying I don't like them? Probably not, but I'm yet to play one that draws me in to persevering through it. I think it's mainly because they're mostly stuck in 2D and feel so constricted and repetitive. Things like Star Fox and Rogue Squadron are essentially shmups I guess, but the 3D element is enough to engage me more.

Online shooters. Just... doing the same thing, over and over. Splatoon is fun for a couple of matches, and then I just run out of steam, losing interest too quickly.

You guys had me at blood and semen.

What better way to celebrate than firing something out of the pipe?

Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.

My Nintendo: gcunit | Nintendo Network ID: gcunit


Shmups I'm fine with. It's online shooters that I don't like. I panic too much, especially since I can't react in time to someone shooting me.
Also, point and click games. I like it when a game focuses on a story, but please, give me more to do than drag and drop! Although, I'll give Mom Hid My Game an exception to that. I don't mind the upbeat tone and short time it takes to beat the game.

Edited on by Luigi05

Your first anything is important; a memory you don't want to forget. That's what makes nostalgia such a fascinating concept. That's why many people enjoy games that have aged well.


Sports games. I’m totally lost with anything sports related. If I’m ever watching fail videos and there is a sports clip I usually dont see what the fail was, I just see a bunch of people running around a court/pitch whatever. I also feel like sports games play themselves. Fire up fifa or whatever and the game just plays out whether you interact or not.

Edited on by Ironcore



@Deltarogue I never played a visual novel before but they always look and sound really boring since there’s no game. You just hit the a button constantly. Thankfully though there are some visual novels that have some gameplay to them like danganronpa and ace attorney.



Rogue-likes. The gameplay loop just generally doesn't appeal to me, although I'm open to exceptions if the game does something else I'm interest in (see: Cadence of Hyrule).

Also seeing the term "procedurally generated" is an instant turn-off for me.

I'm also not a fan of first-person games outside of FPSs (and even FPSs are far from my favourite genre). IDK what it is, but I generally find the forced first-person perspective to be very slippery and immersion-breaking, and I lack a sense of "self" unless I'm able to see my player character. The only reason I feel it works for FPSs is because the focus is shooting, so viewing the world in relation to e.g. a reticle feels a bit more natural. But otherwise...nope, not for me.

Edited on by Buizel

At least 2'8".


FPS games, rogue likes, horror (I just don’t care), most eroge (hentai/ecchi), racing sims (except forza horizon and moto gp) and non arcade sports games outside of soccer or hockey. Technically I don’t like games like minecraft, but since I enjoy dragon quest builders, it’s minecraft I don’t like in particular.

Edited on by Ryu_Niiyama

Taiko is good for the soul, Hoisa!
Japanese NNID:RyuNiiyamajp
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I'm a Dream Fighter. Perfume is Love, Perfume is Life.

3DS Friend Code: 3737-9849-8413 | Nintendo Network ID: RyuNiiyama


Hardcore sim racers - games that need a wheel, but I don't have the space for a wheel.
Puzzle games - specifically those with slide and memory puzzles, I'm poor at both.
Hyper casual games - mostly the licensed shovelware intended for children or preteens.
Fitness games - seeing a Hokuto no Ken themed version of Fitness Boxing is cringy.
Competitive multiplayer games - they're for the young and I'm no spring chicken.

Switch Physical Collection - 1,256 games (as of May 29th, 2024)
Favorite Quote: "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown, and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." -Edna St. Vincent Millay


1. Rythm Games - any kind of music games.

2. Sports games from racers to soccer and every sport that is out there.

3. Shovelware free games.


Not that I hate them, but I really think there is to many RPG. I don't hate, like RPG adventure like starfox adventure on gamecube. I suppose I did not play one of them over 100 euro RPG on switch eshop, which might be a BRILLIANT RPG. But I have not heard much talk about them. Then there's an app or game that people are making RPGS on . It's like all the different player made modes on fortnite, they are stupid, I really really hate them, there spoiling the game. I mean, I do not mind supporting them if they are really good, but absolutely none of them are, then for some stupid reason I have to play them to get items for challenges.👎



Racing games aren’t for me. I’ve had fun with Wipeout, Gran Turismo and Mario Kart with friends, but would never sit down to play any of these on my own. I guess this applies to any vehicle-based game too, like flight sims.

Don’t like the idea of playing anything competitive online much, whether that’s shooters, fighting games, whatever. Just stresses me out. It’s not even that I’m worried about losing. The one time I played FIFA online, my random opponent quit in the 80th minute (I picked Hamburg, and was 3-0 up on his Barcelona). And while I really like how Splatoon handles online play - I think it’s excellent - I’m still not drawn to go back to it.

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