
Topic: How powerful is the 3DS

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Vita looks ok, but the crazy amount of buttons on that handheld are kind of an overhaul. I saw it at GameStop, and the audio isn't that great, being worse than 3DS IMO, and the visuals make the games look weird. The visuals look blurry to me. I feel like they put alot of good HD graphics on a small screen. They should have put retina or something I think.


3DS Friend Code: 4253-3737-8064 | Nintendo Network ID: Children


Some tech guy did the comparison a while ago and said the graphical hardware is an improvement over the Wii. The graphics on the 3DS suffers slightly because they haven't figured a way around the aliasing effect which cause things to look blocky.

As for the comparison to Vita- Sony and Microsoft have always stressed graphics as one of the main components to a great game whereas Nintendo has always stressed gameplay experience. That is why you don't see Nintendo entering the "who has better graphics" war that Microsoft and Sony is locked into (in my opinion XBox has the better graphics by the way). If you look at the majority of Vita's game selection, they are subpar compared to those offered on the 3DS. In fact the PSP sales are still better than the Vita's.



Knux wrote:

Not nearly as powerful as the Vita.

The vita does not have to render every frame twice, which the 3DS has to do for the 3D effect. Your statement remains correct though, but I tried to put it in perspective.

Edited on by Mordresh


3DS Friend Code: 3496-9395-5387 | Nintendo Network ID: Mordresh


As developers get experience with the system, they're able to squeeze out much more out of the hardware. The 3DS is in that regard still relatively young.

Edited on by Mordresh


3DS Friend Code: 3496-9395-5387 | Nintendo Network ID: Mordresh


i think it is very powerful. i dont get why people say the vita would be so much more powerful.
the 3DS has to render 3 pictures for games that use 3D! now look at resident evil revelations and tell me the vita would be so much more powerful

Ryzen 5 2600
2x8GB DDR4 RAM 3000mhz
GTX 1060 6GB


People should know by now that graphics don't sell handhelds. I don't think that we'll see the most it can do until later in its lifespan, but it's a huge step up from the DS and has some pretty good looking games.


3DS Friend Code: 3523-2096-8169 | Nintendo Network ID: Capn_Pancakes


Vita is no doubt more powerful, but I think the screen is too small to truly show it's more powerful. I think it was a smart move to have 3D over a regular display, because 3DS has the same problem(with 3D off) PS Vita has when it comes to display 'bluryness'. The graphics are just too good for the size of the screens nowadays, and the 3D on 3DS makes stuff look clearer, more colorful, and crisper compared to non 3D screens. I think it would be wise to have an HD screen next gen for handhelds regardless of the company, plus 3D options. They are working on better 3D displays(like any other type of technology), and I've heard IF they make an updated 3D display technique, it will use 10 screens instead of 3DS' 2 to make use of a more realistic 3D effect. We will have to see if it will be affordable or even worth having over what we have now though...

Edited on by SCRAPPER392


3DS Friend Code: 4253-3737-8064 | Nintendo Network ID: Children


Da 3DS ish so POWAFUL!

Look here as I lift dis log with the tree DS!

You are what you eat from your head to your feet.


Completely more powerful than the PS2 and comparable to the Gamecube, Xbox, and Wii. There's ways that it's better than all three, but there's also other things it's weaker than all three in.


3DS Friend Code: 4511-0465-7453 | Nintendo Network ID: MrSRArter


I'm not exactly a computer genius, but the 3DS uses the PICA200 chip while the original Xbox uses a modified version of the Nvidia GeForce 3 card. Taking a quick look at those numbers, it seems the PICA200 outperforms the GeForce 3, if only by a small amount.

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Knux wrote:

Not nearly as powerful as the Vita.

but quite more efficient...and fun.



It can run full Wii games, but with lower quality.


Switch Friend Code: SW-8345-2077-2420 | 3DS Friend Code: 4270-6739-1319 | My Nintendo: Coolcario | Nintendo Network ID: K-Star

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